Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Ayurvedic and Dietary Treatments for High Blood Pressure

By tom alter

High blood pressure or hypertension is the condition when the blood flow in the arteries and veins is forced under a higher pressure than normal. This can happen due to the weakness of the heart or due to the buildup of cholesterol in the coronary arteries, which can reduce their lumen. Today, most people in the world are suffering from hypertension, though it is not always fatal. Proper medication and a positive lifestyle can make people with higher blood pressures lead a long and happy life. However, neglect can cause severe fatal problems like myocardial infarctions (heart attacks).

High blood pressure is known as Rakta Gata vata in Ayurveda. It can be caused due to vitiation of any of the three doshas, though the contribution of the vata dosha may be more, as it is responsible for the circulation of blood. The following are the main precipitating factors for people with different doshas:-

1. Vata type of Hypertension - This is caused by extreme emotions such as worry, anxiety and stress.

2. Pitta type of Hypertension - This is caused by negative emotions such as hatred, jealousy and feeling for revenge.

3. Kapha type of Hypertension - This is caused by problems with the digestive system.

(1) Useful Herbs in the Treatment of High Blood Pressure

1. Alfalfa (Medicago satina)
Alfalfa contains several elements which are needed in the softening of the hard arteries. This reduces the tension in the arteries and hence helps to treat hypertension.

2. Bloodwort (Achillea millefolium)
Bloodwort is a sweat-inducing herb. It makes the blood flow towards the skin for expelling the sweat. Due to this free movement of the blood, the high blood pressure is reduced. Bloodword contains an alkaloid which is effective in reducing high blood pressure.

3. Garlic (Allium sativum)
Garlic is an antispasmodic agent. Hence it reduces the pressure in the arteries caused due to the pumping action of the heart during blood circulation. Garlic creates a rhythm in the pumping of the heart, which eases the pulse. Other high blood pressure problems such as dizziness, shortness of breath and indigestion are also taken care of by garlic. Garlic is widely considered to be the best remedy for high blood pressure.

4. Jaundice Berry (Berberis vulgaris)
Jaundice berry is another very effective remedy in the treatment of high blood pressure. It eases the tension in the arteries by making them dilate. Thus the blood flow in them is facilitated.

5. Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
Parsley is like a monitor of the blood vessels. It regulates the flow of blood in them and maintains easy circulation. It looks after the entire arterial system. Hence it is a very beneficial herb for people with high blood pressure.

6. Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina)
The effects of rauwolfia on the arteries and veins of the human system have been investigated in detail, and immensely positive results have been obtained. Rauwolfia has a treasure-trove of alkaloids for easing the arteries, synchronizing the blood flow in them, reducing palpitation and even removing the cholesterol buildup in the arteries. Hence, practitioners of all forms of medicine acknowledge the effects of rauwolfia. In Ayurveda especially, the root of the rauwolfia is prescribed for hypertension patients. The Ayurvedic name for rauwolfia is sarpagandha.

(2) Dietary Treatments for High Blood Pressure

A strict dietary regimen is important to seek early treatment from high blood pressure. The following points must be obeyed:-

1. Salt should be reduced or totally eliminated from the diet. Hot and spicy foods should also be avoided.

2. Instead of hydrogenated fats, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats must be used. These include oils of sesame, olive, flaxseed, mustard and groundnut. Ghee and butter made from cow's milk are beneficial. Buffalo milk should be avoided.

3. Indigestion should be taken care of by consuming a good amount of leafy vegetables containing fiber.

4. Bitter gourd and drumsticks are advantageous vegetables for people suffering from high blood pressure. Colocasia must be avoided, but yellow pumpkin helps in reducing blood pressure.

5. Among fruits, bananas, oranges, guavas and apples are good. All kinds of dry fruits and nuts are good.

6. Sweets and chocolates must be avoided.

7. Red meats must be avoided. But white meats, especially fish are beneficial in lowering blood pressure.

(3) Ayurvedic Concepts for High Blood Pressure

Sarpagandha is the drug of choice in high blood pressure. Not only is this drug used in Ayurvedic medicine, but it is also used in allopathic medicine in the treatment of high blood pressure. In addition, the following herbal preparations are prescribed depending on the doshic cause of high blood pressure:-

a. For Vataja High Blood Pressure, jatamansi and brahmi are prescribed.
b. For Pittaja High Blood Pressure, sarsarapilla and sandalwood are prescribed.
c. For Kaphaja High Blood Pressure, calamus, arjuna, shilajit, guggulu and berberis are prescribed.

(4) Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure

a. Have a spoonful of lemon juice mixed with honey every morning.

b. Oranges are very helpful in high blood pressure. Have a juice of two or three oranges every day.

c. Prepare a powdered mixture of cumin seeds, fennel seeds and sugar. Take one spoonful of this mixture in water every morning and evening.

Read More on high blood pressure cure and high blood pressure home remedies by Ayurveda at Read more about Ayurveda at World's Largest Portal on Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Remedies: - The Free Ayurvedic Encyclopedia

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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Aromatherapy in few words

By George Kakaris

Aromatherapy is the complimentary and alternative medicine with the use of essential oils. It is a method which roots lie in ancient times and along with phytotherapy have the most natural healing attributes. Essential oils are the volatile part of leaves, roots, cortex, seeds and fruits of various flowers, plants and trees and are produced with special techniques of infusion, expression and distillation.

Aromatherapists believe that each aromatherapy essential oil has unique therapeutic properties and the appropriate use of them can be beneficial for our health. There are many medical researches which scientifically proved that Aromatherapy may produce both psychological and physiological effects. On the other hand, doctors who circumspect about holistic medicine, doubt the effectiveness of Aromatherapy.

There are many ways to use essential oils. The most common uses are external and include massages, compresses, bath, hair shampoo, facial and skin care, ro om and body perfume and inhales. You can indulge yourself and heal various diseases with Aromatherapy. Stress and headache relief, sleep improvement, mood boosting, hormones' regulation, muscles' relaxation, stimulation of the immune system, blood circulation, skin diseases' healing are some of the most well known benefits of Aromatherapy.

Essential oils have the ability to penetrate skin and disperse throughout the body very quickly. Moreover, they are very potent substances and consequently attention must be paid, especially by inexperienced persons. Most of the times, aromatherapy essential oils must be used with carrier (base) oil and not be applied directly on skin. Furthermore, essential oils are often adulterated bye cheat suppliers with cheaper substances such as synthetic ingredients and alcohols and therefore they lose their therapeutic potential and can be dangerous at the same time.

Finally, people suffering from allergies, high blood pressure, epil epsy and women during pregnancy should consult an aromatherapist before using any essential oil. Besides, aromatherapy essential oils must be very carefully used to babies and children due to their sensitivity.

Read more about Aromatherapy's uses and benefits at and experiment with your favourite oils that fit to your desire and needs.

George Kakaris is a freelance writer living in an island of Greece. He is very interested in natural health and alternative active life style and owner of an information site about Aromatotherapy Essential oils.

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Monday, March 5, 2007

Fight Viral Infections Effectively with This Oil

By John Goh Goh

Viruses are a headache for doctors because there are no drugs that are effective against them. Doctors are only able to prescribe anti-viral drugs to reduce the severity of the viral infections and the symptoms.

The only real defense against viruses is our body's own natural defenses. Upon entering the body, a virus triggers the body's immune defenses. These defenses begin with white blood cells, such as lymphocytes, which learn to attack and destroy the virus or the cells it has infected.

If the body survives the virus attack, the lymphocytes "remember" the invader and are able to respond more quickly and effectively to a subsequent infection by the same virus. This is called immunity.

A cold, flu, herpes and mononucleosis are viral infections. When most people get hit by a cold or flu, it usually lasts a few days to a week or more. There is no medicine or cure for the common cold or flu. Your body's immune system has to fight the virus by itself. That is why it takes a long time to recover from flu.

Coconut oil has medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) that can kill lipid-coated viruses. MCFAs are easily absorbed into the lipid membranes of viruses. MCFAs weaken the membrane so that it disintegrates. The membrane splits open, spilling its insides and killing the virus.

Coconut oil strengthens your immune system by providing a good source of energy and stimulating metabolism. An increased metabolism makes the immune system more efficient. The body can heal and repair itself faster. White blood cells are more efficient at fighting invading viruses.

Coconut oil is not a cure for viruses nor is it guaranteed to make you feel better when you are down with the flu. However, there are many instances when people suffering from flu infections recover faster by taking dosages of coconut oil daily.

Sharon was coming down with the flu and had signs of a sore throat, sinus congestion, felt fatigued and had muscle aches. She tried taking 2 tablespoons of coconut oil with every meal by mixing it in a warm beverage.

During the first day, the symptoms got worse. This was normal as the body needs time to prepare its defenses. On the second day, the symptoms started to go away. By the third day, the symptoms were gone. Sharon was amazed as she never had a viral infection that lasted 3 days only.

Indeed, one can try taking coconut oil to speed up recovery from flu. After all, coconut oil provides many nutritional benefits. In this age of super viruses, we cannot depend on medications to protect us. Coconut oil is a food we can take daily to boost our immune system and fight viral infections effectively.

Protect your immune system and nourish your health with virgin coconut oil, Go to:

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