Aromatherapy is the complimentary and alternative medicine with the use of essential oils. It is a method which roots lie in ancient times and along with phytotherapy have the most natural healing attributes. Essential oils are the volatile part of leaves, roots, cortex, seeds and fruits of various flowers, plants and trees and are produced with special techniques of infusion, expression and distillation.
Aromatherapists believe that each aromatherapy essential oil has unique therapeutic properties and the appropriate use of them can be beneficial for our health. There are many medical researches which scientifically proved that Aromatherapy may produce both psychological and physiological effects. On the other hand, doctors who circumspect about holistic medicine, doubt the effectiveness of Aromatherapy.
There are many ways to use essential oils. The most common uses are external and include massages, compresses, bath, hair shampoo, facial and skin care, ro om and body perfume and inhales. You can indulge yourself and heal various diseases with Aromatherapy. Stress and headache relief, sleep improvement, mood boosting, hormones' regulation, muscles' relaxation, stimulation of the immune system, blood circulation, skin diseases' healing are some of the most well known benefits of Aromatherapy.
Essential oils have the ability to penetrate skin and disperse throughout the body very quickly. Moreover, they are very potent substances and consequently attention must be paid, especially by inexperienced persons. Most of the times, aromatherapy essential oils must be used with carrier (base) oil and not be applied directly on skin. Furthermore, essential oils are often adulterated bye cheat suppliers with cheaper substances such as synthetic ingredients and alcohols and therefore they lose their therapeutic potential and can be dangerous at the same time.
Finally, people suffering from allergies, high blood pressure, epil epsy and women during pregnancy should consult an aromatherapist before using any essential oil. Besides, aromatherapy essential oils must be very carefully used to babies and children due to their sensitivity.
Read more about Aromatherapy's uses and benefits at and experiment with your favourite oils that fit to your desire and needs.
George Kakaris is a freelance writer living in an island of Greece. He is very interested in natural health and alternative active life style and owner of an information site about Aromatotherapy Essential oils.
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